Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Cataclysms Upon Yo Mum

Update on me gold: 82k
Got a good healthy supply of glyphs.
If I'm lucky, I'll be hitting over 100k within the week. 
If ever anyone wants to know how to go about starting to make a decent chunk of WoW Gold, you should check the links over on the right side of the blog.  Lots of those bloggers have great ideas that you can put to use to start making gold. 
Made about 25 of almost every glyph last night while my chick and I discussed Brett Favres chick.  When yer involved in good discussions, mindlessly pushing the "craft" button goes by rather quickly.

Funny story, last night 3 of the major glyphers were all glyphing next to each other in Dalaran, plotting the next day's attack.  It was like a Glyphers Cartel.  For the 1st time we all got together and started talking to each other, something that never happened before.  There was a great amount of respect we all had for one another.  Except for one guy, who said he wasn't planning on hitting it hardcore, as he was very diversified.  I'm guessing that was just a canned answer and he's playing his cards close to his chest.  On my server, there's only 4 players in the glyph game, and one of them also has his hands on the alliance side.  He says there's a few more Scribes there, but because there's a crapload of alliance (UGH), the demands a lot higher. 

wowtal.com and http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/patchnotes/ are good places for peeps to check their shit out while they wait for patches to install, download, servers to come back up, etc etc.  good players read the notes.  the bad ones get carried and rely on other clueless guildies and trade chat.  sukkaz. 

i love those sukkaz.

I'm really happy that the raid locks have changed.  Now I can go into ICC with guildies that need a hand, and I don't have to worry about getting saved to something thats going to go nowhere, and then I'm screwed for another week.  I swore off on killing the Lich King a few weeks ago, but now I have a renewed optimism that perhaps a LK Kill may be in the stars for me. 

As todays PatchDay, i told myself 1st thing I'd do is learn those new glyphs, craft them, and sell them ASAP.  Secondly I'll be reworking guildranks and such with the new Guild UI.  I'm looking forward to seeing how the Notes, Cheevos, Professions tabs in the GuildUI will work out. 

Also, our guild vent, which was run by our legendary guildmate Turbo, will be shutting down in a few weeks.  He's offered me the option to pick it up, and I'm considering it. But I've been watching vids and reading up on Mumble for a while now, and I'm thinking maybe its time to evolve into the next big thing.  The lag on that is a lot less than Vent from the vids I've seen, the overlay looks AWESOME compared to Vent, and the "autoadjust" feature is totally cool as well.  I'm gonna demo it later and come back with a review of my own.

Good luck on your installs!


  1. Another good read. I'm sorry to hear about our guild vent. Is he splitting from the guild? The game? Anyways, I'm all for Mumble. I'm always willing to try something new when it comes to WoW.

  2. Me and a guildie tested out Mumble the other day as we're also thinking of switching over... it was a good experience to say the least, especially when compared to the terrible experience we had with vent last night :) BTW, thanks for linking to my blog, have added you to my blogroll

  3. @Hecubus He won't be paying for it anymore. Thankfully he'll still be around. The guys one of the greatest people I've ever had the pleasure of running with.

    @Moravec Vents lag issues, along with the fact that sometimes it won't let certain people get into it when they were getting in just fine the night before is a turn off. Mumble having a pronouced drop in lag is a HUGE plus, and if its more affordable, its almost a nonissue. Thanks for the link!!!!
