Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I'm playing less WoW

I’m playing less and less WoW.  Hell, most of the guild has been playing less and less WoW. I log in sometimes and see maybe 4 peeps online at night.  It’s still a good guild, but the game just doesn’t quite grab me anymore. 
I can’t really say I remember a reason for leaving Org lately.  Archeology?  BORING.  That’s forced, just to actually get out and dig a hole somewhere, hoping one day in a few months I’ll finally get around to getting something worth something.
Instances?  I can port to them now.  Everyone not looking for digsites or farming ore and flowers just sits in a capital city waiting for their BG or Arena or Dungeon queue to pop.  Oh unless they’re doing dailies, which to me is maybe the most boring aspect of the game.  The same fucking quests you NEED to do so you can get the gear you need in order to raid. And even then, say you’re doing your Tol Barad dailies because you own it, TB isn’t a PvP zone, like Wintergrasp was.  So you can’t randomly run into flagged sukkaz and start a mini war right then and there.  World PvP isn’t what it used to be because nobodys really out there, and if they are, they’re just like me – flying way above the world until they get to where they need to be, land, do their thing, and dragon themselves away.
Raids?  I can get summoned to them my eager helpful guildies.  And even if I can’t, it’s a port, and a straight flight high over anything else.  Maybe its just me, but I am not motivated enough to spend time learning bossfights right now, much less REALLY learning them so I can lead a raid.  If I knew someone was leading a raid and I could settle in and just heal I think that’d be bad ass, but that doesn’t happen in my guild.  Hell, yesterday I got asked to heal a BH, and a minute later I realize I’ve been passed leads and was expected to move peeps into groups and handle the master looting.  So much for just sitting back, healing some bars, and being mindless.
Leveling? I may hit that up.  I was waiting for my chick to level up my Shaman and my Hunter, but she kinda stopped logging in.  So I may powerlevel those basterds up and maybe find a fresh new love with a new toon.  Maybe being a squishy healer has burned me out.
The new Guild Goals thing in 4.1 looks interesting.  Plus free extra shit for tanks and sometimes healers also may be cool.  I really want to enjoy the game, kill some raid bosses, get 2200 arena rating, get that Scorpion Mount, and 500,000g.  I think setting goals will help bring back some kind of spark.  Which means getting exalted with Unforgiving.
Which means Dailies & Guild instances.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Chaos Orb

This puppy drops at the end of a Heroic Cata Instance.

But Only Blacksmiths, Tailors, Engineers, and Leatherworkers can roll on them.

And they're bind on pickup.

And all sorts of cool and necessary in-game items use them.

So if you're a BS, Eng, LW, or Tailor, GET TO RUNNING THOSE HEROICS!!!!  Then offer your services to the guild.  I'd suggest that every Chaos Orb should be valued appropriately and should be compensated appropriately, even amongst guild members.  Those suckers are still quite rare at this point.  And in high demand!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Trolls are not Tolerated

I had to boot 2 noobs the other day for trolling on another guilds vent, AND on the public trade chat.  Apparently these 2 kids didn't like a guild named Wrath. Not a lot of people do. So they decided to start talking shit about them. So they started talking shit back. It escalated, and their GM asked me why some of my peeps were talking shit.

I asked who, she told me know, I said I don't know. I don't know them. And then i gkicked them.

You have to be some kind of idiot to talk shit about someone in their vent, when you don't even belong to one of theirs. Its like going to someones house uninvited at dinnertime, serving yourself a plate of dinner, and then insulting the cook. 

"But we were defending the guild, bro!"

That was the worst thing he could have said.  The guild has NEVER needed defending from anything. You give your fellow players a crap name when you do shit like that.  And that will earn you an instant ban.

Had these losers ever taken the time to install mumble, then maybe they'd have gotten off with a warning.  But since trolling was more important than hanging out with the guild, they're free to troll all they want elsewhere.

Side Note:  I personally will never invite a new toon with fucked up spellings.  One of the dudes name was Echo, with a fucked up E, and the other guys name was Dots, with a fucked up O.  I dont remmeber which of the 24 E's or 30 O's they were, so I can't link their profile.  It just makes it difficult to type out their name, and for the most part, everyone that I've come across that does that shit is usually an asshole.