Monday, September 20, 2010

This week in gold making

I'm sitting on 62k in gold. I had a very good week last week, but I have to thank Cataclysm for making me realize that my Emblems of Frost are worth more NOW than they will be later. So I turned all that i had stockpiled into Primordial Saronite and got rid of them all. made a nice chunk of 4k on that move.

i also invested in a Haunted Memento for 5k i'm trying to flip over. I'd be happy to sell it for 7k but I'm trying my luck at 12k for now. I'm going to try to advertise it on trade a bit more, and see if anyone bites. I've been saying "rare" when shilling it, and there's always someone that says "it's not rare" - "not worth that much" etc etc. Usually I'm in a rush to log onto my other toon, as I only have one certain toon selling that one. I hate advertising in trade because of the trolling that goes on, even on our tiny server, but sometimes its the only way to get people to know about things, and want things they didn't even know existed.

I also spent 6 hours milling herbs, making them into Inks of the Sea, and then queueing up 10 of every glyph that sells for over 3g. That took 6 hours out of my Saturday, and i wish I could say i was joking. And I'm not even halfway done with my herbs reserve. Oh and I only post 3 at a time. So I'll have enough for quite a while. I'm planning on keeping an eye on what glyphs are going to become obsolete, and stop crafting those. I also want to use up my entire stock and create as many glyphs as I can and be ready for Cata or the patch to change the system. I have 3 real competitors on the server, and from what i've noticed, they're not the most hardcore of players. They don't camp, nor relog once my toons go offline. So I think I stand to make great gold here real soon.

I came in on the tail end of the saroshuffle, so I'm not really doing much with it. I spent about 3k or 4k powerleveling it and now I have a max JC just sitting there. I might give that a go around. Its profitable, sure. I think I can pick up a stack of saro for 15g, and get 20g off the dusts alone. Problem is TIME. I've been short on time.

Powerleveled a Transmute Master for about 2k maybe 3k and thats been working out OK. Still waiting on incredible procs, however. I've had 3 minor procs, so nothing major yet, but I'm still doing it daily. I figure I'll break even on the initial investment on that by the end of the week. Again, my highly pressed for time ass doesn't have the time to research what the most profitable cuts are, so I'm sure I'm leaving an extra 10g by the wayside each and every time, maybe up to 50g, but that's a loss I accept for not wanting to put more time into it.

Still making bags. I'm trying to buy up all cloths at 5g a stack and selling them for no lower than 7g a stack. Some fools caught onto my business, though, and started selling bags too. maybe 2 more competitors have risen up and they're posting bags at 7g. That's fine and dandy by me. I'll keep buying up all the cloth and stockpiling. Everyone and their mother that rolls a goblin is going to need bags. And when there's nobody left going thru outland for a LONG while because they're all in the old world....


  1. I love your blog. It's so clean. Maybe I will take off the bold letters in mine like you suggested. This is why I miss myspace, so much more creativity, so much less gossip.

    Anyway, I can't seem to enjoy the game as I used to. I don't know what it is exactly because i actually miss it. I see something that reminds of WoW like the outlands and all that and I remember how much I loved to quest. I saw you doing the brewfest thing yesterday and I so wanted to do it too, but for some reason I get on and I feel annoyed. It became a turn off, I think, when the whole emeblem thing started, the daylies and the weeklys and all that shit. Theres not a lot of tanks in the guild so I would get asked a lot and that may have been a reason I only log in to raid and then log out. I know it sounds selfish, but fuck it, I don't really have that much time to invest in it and I'll go ahead and say it... I HATE DAYLIES, WEEKLYS and VOA. I want to find MY game. Even if MY game is lame to others. It seems all I do is raid.

    I know I have another alt I'd like to level up and that the guild may eventually use, but damn it I like taking it slow. Next time I level her up, I'll do like 1 instance (and I know it's quicker) but I'll also quest. I like it. Especially that quest with Thrall and Undercity.

    So, I'm glad you have found your relax WoW game which is playing the AH, I'll have to find my relax WoW as well. :)

  2. 62k really? im lucky to get over 5k at any given time lol you suck lol.
