Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Preparing the Guild for Cataclysm - GUILDBANK

The picture has nothing to do with the topic at hand. I don't care.  Todays post is written with the most possible amount of care i can drum up in regards to a topic that a lot of people seem to think is a major thing for guilds, yet as a guild leader, I've seen as a chore to those in charge of keeping it going:  The Guild Bank.  Don't get me wrong, I love Guild banks!  I have 2 bank alts with their own!  But without proper organization it becomes less like your guilds war chest, and more like the underneath of some teenagers bed.

Last week I spoke about Guild Ranks in Cata, and alluded to this weeks topic: the guild bank. How will we handle it/manage it in Cataclysm?

The guild bank, to me, has never been a big deal. Its more of a status thing. The more slots, the cooler you are. Yet nothing of major values really housed in there. Whenever someone tells me that a guildies toon was hacked and they stole shit from the guild bank, its not a big deal. What did they steal? A stack of Peacebloom and page 10 of The Green Hills of Stranglethorn? Maybe some lvl 78 blues?

Cata will let us buy 2 more slots. That's great! more room for our useless shit!

Of course it got that way because there were never any rules or guidelines. Any guildie could dump a lvl 20 mana pot thinking another guildie would pull it out one day.

So that reckless using of the guild bank as The Goodwill comes to an end in Cata.

Tab 1 is for crap like the Green Hills, and other silly drops that may or may not be useful. That will also be the transferring tab, and will be really open for most of the guild. Like 10 withdrawals a day per toon on that tab. That's OK. Most of it will be crap anyways.

Tab 2 will be the tab where all the armor and weapons will go for Disenchanting. And on a regular basis someone will DE that crap, and put the mats in that same tab until tab 7 gets bought.

Tab 3 is for all cloth and lvl 80 - 85 buff foods. Any by cloth, I mean Wool, Rune, Netherweave, Frost, etc. Keep your damned linen crap cloth. And don't be putting in your crappy Rhino Dogs, either. Put in some spider meat and you're just begging for a gkick.

Tab 4 is ores, bars, leathers, and other general Blacksmithing + Leatherworking things.

Tab 5 is Gems and Flasks. Endgame crap only. That's 80 - 85 for a while, and then purely lvl 85 once we start raiding. Nobody wants your lvl 62 red cut. Anyone looking to gem their level 62 legs is spending too much time worrying about their stats at level 62, and not enough time levelling. If you cut a Burning Crusade gem and are thinking about donating it to the guild bank - DON'T. Vendor that shit, thank the game you got a skillup point out of it, and keep moving.

Tab 6 - Mats and the Cata equivalent of Primals/Eternals. There's always some old enchantment that you want to make for an alt that requires a random old school Primal, or Eternal, or some other weird out of the way thing. This is the place to put it.

Tab 7 will be all those GCEs, LCE's, Dream Shard, and everything we get from disenchanting everything. Frozen Orbs and other crap like that can also go in here, as it may be a spillover from Tab 6 as well.

Tab 8 will be up in the air and we'll deal with it when we get to it.

Most members will have limited access to most of these tabs, except tab 1. Veterans and Guildleaders will have more access to the GB and can pull things out for the rest of the guild as necessary. Of course all Guild Veterans and every Guild Leader must have an authenticator attached to their account, so there is no major risk of getting ninja'd.

There will be 2 people directly responsible for the weekly purging and organizing of the Guild Bank. Believe it or not, some people really enjoy doing that. Personally, I look at the Guild Bank as a chore that's too closely related to what i do on a day to day basis at work, but that's just me.  Those brave souls that relish in organization are much better people than I, and I sincerely applaud their noble efforts.

Monday, September 27, 2010

This week in Gold Making

69k.  And thats because I think I spent about 8k this weekend gearing up my DK Tank, who just dinged 80 on Thursday night.

I sold a Haunted Memento for 7200g.  I was having a hard time selling it for 9k and everytime i advertised it in trade, some fools would always say "too expensive! not worth it! thats ridiculous!"  And of course it it, because the only value it has is the value it has for the buyer with the passion.  Especially when theres nothing else.  So seeing as I had another Haunted Memento on another toon, I placed that one up at 12,500g. 

Now it had the illusion that picking one up for 7200g is a steal versus the 12,500g.  Even that took 2 relistings, but I managed to turn a 5k investment, and make an easy 2000g profit within a week.

By this time next week my goals is to have 75,000g.  That's my original goal that I wanted to hit before patch 4.0 hit.  If I'm lucky, I'll hit it and go beyond that, if the patch hits next Tuesday (october 5).  I still have A LOT of inks to burn thru, and 2 bank tabs full of herbs that need milling.  That's a 3 hour job minimum that i REALLY need to get to if my goal of liquidating my mats is to be met.  All signs point to Inks of the Sea becoming untradable in Cataclysm.

I think I know what I'm doing tonight.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Preparing the Guild for Cataclysm - Ranks

Before anything, GRATZ to my guildmates for downing Sindragosa! Keku and team really hit one out of the park, and I'm hoping they down the Lich King this week, too!

Cataclysm's right around the corner, and I'm excited because this expansion brings more powerful tools for guilds, rewards people in guilds for their achievements, and gives guilds reasons to do things together. The expansion does reward larger guilds, however. I'm guessing its because larger guilds are a little harder to maintain and manage.

I'm looking to put my guild right at the cutting edge of casual and hardcore. We have a very large number of dedicated members, but nowhere near the membership of some other large guilds. We have quality members, not a slew of impatient unloyal kids. Our members don't troll the trade chat, nor do they act like a bunch of spastic Halo/Call of Duty Xbox kids. Anytime we recruit anyone like that they usually leave on their own, or get the boot whenever their asses feel the need to disrespect someone (as seems to be normal with these children...)

Over the next few days I'll be outlining several guidelines as to how Unforgiving will be restructured, and the thought process behind it. Today will be foundation of the guilds organization: the ranks.

When you have a group of 8 - 12 pals, its easy to organize things. And all the guild achievements will still be available to small 12 man guilds. Sure. But those rewards aren't accumulating any quicker. Right now Unforgiving has 264 members over level 10 - and 152 of those already at Level 80 (I'm hoping to increase that in Cataclysm with more quality members by 50% before Spring 2011). With so many members wanting to do so many different things, a stable organizational foundation needs to be in place. Its much like how a company is run. Only not so much. It is a game, after all....

The ranks I'm looking at going into Cata stand as follows:

Guild Master - some bloke that works at playing a game
Guild Leaders - the eyes and ears and feet and hands and mouths and faces of the guild.
Recruiters - former officers, loyal members, players with valuable opinions, etc. This rank is as close to being an officer as can be. Their only real power will be to invite new members and maybe pull out some more from the guild bank than other members.
Raid Ready Tanks and Healers - they share a rank. Normally unless its a Paladin, you can tell who a tank is vs. who a healer is.
Raid Ready DPS - Facerollers
Casual 85s - the guild members that aren't ready to raid, don't want to raid, can't raid due to PC/Internet issues, no vent, etc.
Guild Member - anyone under 85 that's not on probation
Probee - someone on probation. Probation lasts until they're trusted members. participation on the guild forums helps speed up the process. facebook adding the guild also helps, as then there's a face connected to the member.
INACTIVE - anyone that hasn't been online in 2 months. Normally after 4 months they get the boot unless exempt for whatever reason.

The way the ranks are made, the only real promotion comes when a Probational member moves out that rank. Everything else is up to the individual player. hit 80 = Rank Increase. raid ready = Rank Increase.
I love the way this ranking system works. At a glance I can mouseover my info bar (titanbar, fubar, or any guildinfo broker-based addon) and the list of online guildmembers will pop down and list at-a-glance how many tanks or healers are online at a time when thinking about forming a raid into anything, or if i need to fill a dps slot, I can see whos online at that very moment and send a quick whisper. If I'm on an alt, and need to get someone invited, I can pull down the guildlist and see what recruiters are online that can send a quick guildinvite. It's plain and simple enough that any fool can see what the ranks mean. It's a lot simpler than trying to figure out what a 1st Lieutenant rank is vs. a Titan rank vs. a Destroyer rank vs. a Fodder rank.

I think these ranks take away the idea that favorites get promoted, and everyone else is just filler. It removes the notion that all the members are just there while the officers have an exclusive club. Which I think is just the philosophy a good guild will need in a game that rewards guild working together.

Next time I'll go over our guild ranks in relation to our guild bank, as well as start elaborating on our Guild Leaders' responsibility (or lack thereof) when it comes to the bank.

Monday, September 20, 2010

This week in gold making

I'm sitting on 62k in gold. I had a very good week last week, but I have to thank Cataclysm for making me realize that my Emblems of Frost are worth more NOW than they will be later. So I turned all that i had stockpiled into Primordial Saronite and got rid of them all. made a nice chunk of 4k on that move.

i also invested in a Haunted Memento for 5k i'm trying to flip over. I'd be happy to sell it for 7k but I'm trying my luck at 12k for now. I'm going to try to advertise it on trade a bit more, and see if anyone bites. I've been saying "rare" when shilling it, and there's always someone that says "it's not rare" - "not worth that much" etc etc. Usually I'm in a rush to log onto my other toon, as I only have one certain toon selling that one. I hate advertising in trade because of the trolling that goes on, even on our tiny server, but sometimes its the only way to get people to know about things, and want things they didn't even know existed.

I also spent 6 hours milling herbs, making them into Inks of the Sea, and then queueing up 10 of every glyph that sells for over 3g. That took 6 hours out of my Saturday, and i wish I could say i was joking. And I'm not even halfway done with my herbs reserve. Oh and I only post 3 at a time. So I'll have enough for quite a while. I'm planning on keeping an eye on what glyphs are going to become obsolete, and stop crafting those. I also want to use up my entire stock and create as many glyphs as I can and be ready for Cata or the patch to change the system. I have 3 real competitors on the server, and from what i've noticed, they're not the most hardcore of players. They don't camp, nor relog once my toons go offline. So I think I stand to make great gold here real soon.

I came in on the tail end of the saroshuffle, so I'm not really doing much with it. I spent about 3k or 4k powerleveling it and now I have a max JC just sitting there. I might give that a go around. Its profitable, sure. I think I can pick up a stack of saro for 15g, and get 20g off the dusts alone. Problem is TIME. I've been short on time.

Powerleveled a Transmute Master for about 2k maybe 3k and thats been working out OK. Still waiting on incredible procs, however. I've had 3 minor procs, so nothing major yet, but I'm still doing it daily. I figure I'll break even on the initial investment on that by the end of the week. Again, my highly pressed for time ass doesn't have the time to research what the most profitable cuts are, so I'm sure I'm leaving an extra 10g by the wayside each and every time, maybe up to 50g, but that's a loss I accept for not wanting to put more time into it.

Still making bags. I'm trying to buy up all cloths at 5g a stack and selling them for no lower than 7g a stack. Some fools caught onto my business, though, and started selling bags too. maybe 2 more competitors have risen up and they're posting bags at 7g. That's fine and dandy by me. I'll keep buying up all the cloth and stockpiling. Everyone and their mother that rolls a goblin is going to need bags. And when there's nobody left going thru outland for a LONG while because they're all in the old world....

Friday, September 17, 2010

Some hate saying goodbye...

... i hate saying hello.

I've read too many blogs where it seems a writer feel the need to declare their latest jump into the world of blogging. They have such great hopes for their blog! They're going to have a large number of readers! They have something to say, and they think its going to be exciting, and inspire conversation, and make a difference! And with their first blog post, they want to convey that inspiration!

And then you find out that they posted that 6 months ago, had 2 crappy followup posts, and then nothing at all after that. They probably went back to hanging around Facebook.

Regardless, here's my hello...

I'm Issac. This is my Gaming/Opinion blog. You're welcome to read this, and comment if you want. I'm not an expert in anything. I punctuate and spellcheck if i feel like it, and since this is my blog, you can't tell me what i can and can't do on it. Subscribe and follow if this appeals to you.

That being said:

I'm playing a lot of WoW lately. I'm the guild leader for a casual raiding guild named UNFORGIVING (misha-h). And its been a ride. History story some other day. Today we talk about Sindragosa.

The guild I'm in doesn't consist of hardcore raiders. Kids that feel the need to raid everyday for obscene hours usually wind up leaving for greener pastures 2 weeks into seeing what kind of guild we are. We currently have 2 10-man raids in ICC, both stuck at Sindragosa. We're still looking for our 1st guild lich king kill, and its 7 weeks away from Cataclysm dropping.

i took a good team in for the last 3 nights, and all 3 nights sindragosa has stopped us. finally, last night the 3rd to the last pull we had her over at 13%.

Its damned disappointing to not succeed after 3 nights of attempts. Its almost enough to get disheartened, but i remember that the guild I'm in is not a hardcore raiding guild, and as such, nights like this will continue to happen. I'm not sure if the rest of the team knows that. This is the difference between hardcores and casuals. A hardcore doesn't need to be told to flask. A hardcore doesn't need to be told to pop the spellpower pots, or the speed pots, or the attack power pots. A hardcore has seen the tankspot video, and 5 to 10 other videos about it. A hardcore knows the fight mechanics, what each spell does, and what the job they need to do is. A hardcore knows the shortcuts, zerg mechanics, where to stand, where to go, and when to execute.

A casual knows maybe half of all this, at best.

Hardcore raiders will scoff at this, saying "Sindragosas easy! We cleared that 4 months ago and are doing heroic!". Those kids also have a shitload more freetime than most of the peeps in the guild I'm in, and are surrounded by like-minded people as well.

My concerns: not everyone brought flasks. not everyone took their flasks. i highly doubt half the raid had supplementary pots. people took too long to come back after a wipe. aggro was an issue. instructions were given out, and were not heard/ignored. attention wasn't paid and raiders were in bad positions, which iced too many people. mechanics weren't known.

I'll take some blame in this. i didn't know the BEST way to down the dragon. I thought we could zerg it. we can't. its obvious now. i thought we could use the suggested spike method. we can't. we have to do the fight as originally intended. left leg/right leg. tank switch. buffet dropping. I also didn't run into position once after i was queued for iceblock after a blistering cold, but really by that time we had 3 dead anyways. Also this one time someone wasn't in the right position by the hind leg, and wound up freezing me as well. I accepted some fault in that, as I could have moved away, but the offending person didn't say shit.

we'll get this dragon on monday. i think once the team gets a better visual of where the LoS stems from, they'll know where to go to get rid of that debuff. between that, and proper positioning by the hind leg of the dragon should finally get us over that wall.